Bill's Ex-Counsel: Hillary Is "Misleading The American Public" - Politics on The Huffington Post
"Bill's Ex-Counsel: Hillary Is 'Misleading The American Public'"
"Monsanto files patent for new invention: the pig"
Greenpeace researcher uncovers chilling patent plans
Michael talks with Rose about the Microsoft-Yahoo deal, Facebook, blogs, privacy, and tech policy. He even manages to plug CrunchBase. Nice haircut, Mike.
Something most people don’t know - almost every Charlie Rose interview (over 3,000 of them) is available on their website."
The Video
Rencontrez Gérald Passédat au Le Petit Nice-Passédat , Relais gourmands, Relais&Châteaux, les plus grands chefs de France, cuisine, profil et recettes
"Une cuisine méditerranéenne - Ma cuisine est d'ici, du SUD définitivement
Des femmes de la famille que je regardais enfant cuisiner aux grands cuisiniers chez qui j'ai forgé mon goût et appris à exprimer ma sensibilité, il existe un lien sous-jacent qui ne s'est jamais démenti : Ma cuisine est d'ici, du SUD définitivement."
3 STARS in Guide Michelin 2008
Sigalon Valley - SIGALON - What's up
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde
'It's not a real choice. It's an apparent choice. Like choosing a brand of detergent. Whether you buy Ivory Snow or Tide, they're both owned by Proctor & Gamble. This doesn't mean that one takes a position that is without nuance, that [...] the Democrats and Republicans are the same. Of course, they're not. Neither are Tide and Ivory Snow. Tide has oxy-boosting and Ivory Snow is a gentle cleanser.'
(On the American election, 2004 from her speech in San Francisco, California on August 16th, 2004)"
Airborne Bacteria Make It Rain, Researchers Find
While the idea that bacteria could prompt precipitation was previously known, a paper published this week in Science shows that they're more important than anyone expected.
Researchers led by Louisiana State University microbiologist Brent Christner analyzed snow samples from around the world, categorizing the content of their 'nucleators' -- tiny particles that help water vapor coalesce and freeze."
Comedian is living in an Ikea store - CNN.com
"The story
When Mark Malkoff thought about where he could stay while his New York City apartment was being fumigated for cockroaches, he quickly ruled out friends' places (too small) and hotels (too expensive).
Instead, the comedian and filmmaker decided to move into an Ikea store in suburban New Jersey, where on Monday he unloaded two suitcases into a spacious bedroom at the store.
At night when the store is closed, he says he'll play laser tag with security guards and even plans to host a housewarming party."
YouTube to offer live streaming this year | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone
Earlier this week, while sporting a furry coat at a warm, packed YouTube party in New York City, Chen managed to spill some juicy details about the company's plans while talking to Sarah Meyers, the host of vodcast Pop17. Chen confirmed that live video was coming to the service in '2008' and that the company has wanted to feature it for some time, but have only recently been able to get the ball rolling because of having higher resources as a part of Google:
'Live video is just something that we've always wanted to do, we've never had the resources to do it correctly, but now with Google, we hope to actually do it this year.'"
Chocolate - All About Chocolate - History of Chocolate
Later, the Spanish conquistadors brought the seeds back home to Spain, where new recipes were created. Eventually, and the drink’s popularity spread throughout Europe. Since then, new technologies and innovations have changed the texture and taste of chocolate, but it still remains one of the world’s favorite flavors."
Bernanke's History Lesson
It's an unenviable dilemma for Bernanke, who took office two years ago, succeeding Alan Greenspan. The Fed is operating, said Bernanke, 'in an environment of downside risks to growth, stressed financial conditions, and inflation pressures.'
Bernanke indicated that for now, at least, quelling the financial crisis and lifting the economy remains a higher priority for the Fed than chilling inflation. He said, 'Financial markets continue to be under considerable stress.' And although the Fed is still forecasting modest economic growth of 1.3% to 2% in 2008, 'The risks to this outlook remain to the downside.' Those risks include the possibility of worse-than-expected deterioration in the housing and job markets and the possibility that credit conditions, already"
think-production3.jpgIt was a year ago that venture capitalist and solar energy entrepreneur Jan-Olaf Willums appeared at the Cleantech Forum in San Francisco shortly after taking over Think Global, a Norwegian electric car maker once owned by Ford (F). Willums and his partners had just secured their first round of funding and unveiled plans to revive Think and a zippy urban runabout called the Think City. This week Willums made a return appearance at the 2008 Cleantech Forum and showed just how fast an automotive startup can move amid the lumbering dinosaurs of Detroit."
McCain's birthplace prompts queries about whether that rules him out - International Herald Tribune
McCain's likely nomination as the Republican candidate for president and the happenstance of his birth in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 are reviving a musty debate that has surfaced periodically since the founders first set quill to parchment and declared that only a 'natural-born citizen' can hold the nation's highest office."
Freddie Mac’s Quarterly Loss Widens - New York Times
Freddie Mac and its larger rival, Fannie Mae, suffered from higher defaults on mortgages that the companies guarantee as home prices declined for the first time since the Depression.
The company also warned that it expected to lose billions of dollars more as the housing slump deepens and more borrowers fall behind on payments.
This week regulators loosened restrictions on the two government-chartered companies in hopes that they would be able to prop up real estate by holding down financing costs for a bigger pool of home buyers.
The companies’ staggering losses and desire to protect their capital, however, have curbed their power to stabilize the housing market. Rather than using the capital to finance mortgages, they have been writing down the values of mortgage securities and increasing reserves. The cash is needed to cover guarantees of loans that were packaged into bonds and sold to investors.
Losses led the companies to raise $13.8 billion through preferred stock sales last quarter.
The company lost $3.97 a share in the fourth quarter — far more than Wall Street analysts’ expectations of a loss of $2.4"
di.se - Ryanair bofast på svarta listan
Lågprisflygbolaget Ryanair är värstingbolaget på Allmänna reklamationsnämndens senaste svarta lista.I tio nya fall vägrar Ryanair att följa de beslut från reklamationsnämnden, ARN, som handlar om ersättningar till resenärer på mellan 2.000-7.000 kronor, enligt tidningen Råd & Rön.
Tvisterna gäller kompensation till resenärer som drabbats av förseningar och inställda flyg. Därmed fortsätter Ryanair att vägra följa den EU-förordning som reglerar hur resenärer ska kompenseras.
I höstas beslöt konsumentombudsmannen, KO, att dra Ryanair inför rätta. Ärendet handlar om ett svenskt par som vägrades ersättning sedan deras resa blivit inställd kort före start.
Under 2006 och 2007 har ARN vid 35 tillfällen gett resenärer rätt i tvister mot Ryanair. I endast nio fall har Ryanair följt nämndens rekommendationer.
Vi och Ryanair är inte överens om tolkningen av den här EU-förordningen, säger informationschef Torsten Palm vid ARN till TT.
Men frågan om vem som tolkar förordningen rätt kommer ju avgöras av domstol efter KO:s beslut i höstas om att stämma Ryanair.
di.se - Wall Street: Håll klaffen, Mr Bernanke, och rädda börsen
Har du fått stora hjärnsnörpen, hur fanken kan du flippa ut så, Mr Ben Bernanke??? Har du ingen vettig rådgivare eller pr-konsult eller hustru som kan förklara för dig hur extrempsykologi funkar???
Här sitter den allsmäktige, högste monetäre beslutsfattaren inför hela amerikanska folket och pratar om tillväxten i ekonomin och om inflationen, Wall Street gäspar och tycker sig ha hört det mesta hundratals gånger tidigare och känner sig aningen lugnare inför nästa timmes handel och så plötsligt kommer bomben farande ur hans skäggprydda anlete."
Google Sites Launches and The New Google AdSense Terms: Robin Good Reports - Robin Good's Latest News
"Google Sites Launches and The New Google AdSense Terms: Robin Good Reports"
Google Sites is the easiest way to make information accessible to people who need quick, up-to-date access. People can work together on a Site to add file attachments, information from other Google applications (like Google Docs, Google Calendar, YouTube and Picasa), and new free-form content. Creating a site together is as easy as editing a document, and you always control who has access, whether it's just yourself, your team, or your whole organization. You can even publish Sites to the world. The Google Sites web application is accessible from any internet connected computer.
Quick facts
Single-click page creation Creating a new page for your Google Site just takes the click of a button.
No HTML required Creating a Google Site is as easy as editing a document, which means there's no markup language for you to learn -- just get started.
Make it your own Our customization options let you give your Google Site your own look and feel
Get started with templates We offer a growing list of page types -- web page, announcements, file cabinet, dashboard and list -- to help you get started with your Google Sites pages.
Upload files and attachments Use the file cabinet to upload files up to 10MB in size. Each Google Apps account receives at least 10GB of storage in Google Sites. Google Apps Premier and Education editions get an additional 500MB for each user account.
Embed rich content Google Sites is integrated with other Google products, so you can insert videos, docs, spreadsheets, presentations, photo slide shows, and calendars directly onto your Google Sites pages.
Work together and share Our permission settings let you designate owners, viewers and collaborators (meaning they can edit pages) for your site. And you can make your Google Sites available to just a few people, your entire organization, or the world.
Search with Google You can search across Google Sites pages and content using powerful Google search technology. You'll find specific pages and documents instantly, the same way you would on Google.com.
McCain, Obama Trade Barbs - WSJ.com
A cross-country dispute over Iraq erupted yesterday, and no matter who Mr. McCain faces, differences over the war are certain to be a defining question for voters this fall. But Messrs. McCain and Obama have also tangled over health care, campaign finance and lobbying. Each man takes pains to speak about the other with respect, but their differences on a scope of issues now burst through regularly as both look toward the fall campaign."
blist blog » Blog Archive » New Features - Excel Import, Sharing, Charts & Search
By far the most requested feature has been the ability to import data from Excel. Now we have it. When you click on the [New blist] icon, instead of having “Coming Soon” stamped over it, you can now import from CSV. Just give your blist a name, browse for the CSV file and line up the columns with the appropriate column types."
From Tata, cars that run on air - Newindpress.com
Thursday February 28 2008 00:00 IST
MUMBAI: If Ratan Tata has his way, after churning out the rupees one lakh Nano, he might soon be presenting a hybrid model of Nano or a similar car, which will literally run on thin air.
Tata Motors Ltd (TML) had originally signed a deal with Moteur Development International Enterprises S.A. (MDI) of France in February 2007, to develop and refine the technology of air propelled car (invented and commercially exploited by MDI) as exclusive licensees in India.
Industry sources say that while the engine and technology was being further refined by TML for production in India, the company has further strengthened its relationship and commitment with MDI by taking a stake in the original company for a significant amount."
Guy Negre air carGuy Nègre, head of French company MDI, sits behind the wheel of one of his cars, called the MiniCAT, which runs on compressed air, producing zero emissions."
Guy Nègre, head of French company MDI, sits behind the wheel of one of his cars, called the MiniCAT, which runs on compressed air, producing zero emissions. (Photograph by Eric Gaillard/Reuters)
It’s in 9 parts on YouTube, they should advance automatically:"
Nutrition: Start Your Healthy Eating Habit
"Get into a healthy diet by following a Calorie Counter's excellent beginner's diet guide. Learn the basics of nutrition and get definitions of nutritional facts (calories, fat, carbohydrates, sodium, etc.). Craft a diet after determining how many calories you should be consuming each day, and then select the foods that will supply those calories. Organize your food intake, whether with a written plan or with improvisation. Most importantly, once your diet is planned, be consistent. Once you understand the basics of nutrition, turn your diet into a permanent way of living and you can make it healthy and a lot of fun."
Email: Use a Googlemail.com Address to Lessen Gmail Spam
"The Digital Inspiration blog points out a Gmail trick that's been just under the surface all along (not that our commenters haven't noticed). Everyone who has an 'name@gmail.com' address can also receive mail sent to 'name@googlemail.com.' What's the big deal? Well, knowing this gives you a stronger hand when you fight against spam, bacn, and all that other not-so-important but distracting email. Try giving out one or the other addresses to important, close contacts, while using the other for all the other stuff. What uses can you think of (or have used already) for this trick? Offer up the goods in the comments."
Apple/Macintosh - Apple Expected To Offer 3G iPhone This Year
"Production cutbacks for Apple, Inc.'s iPhone appear to herald a 3G iPhone as promised by Apple and AT&T. A 3G iPhone is also needed for Apple to penetrate markets in Europe and Asia where a gray market in unlocked iPhones is booming. Visitors to the U.S. are buying Apple's iPhone and workers in China factories may be supplying iPhones."
"EMC Embraces Cloud Computing with Pi Purchase
February 22, 2008 2:37PM
Microsoft veteran Paul Maritz will focus on cloud computing as EMC purchases Maritz's Pi Corp. start-up. EMC CEO Joe Tucci sees a new era of digital-information management and Maritz will head EMC's new cloud division. With cloud computing, Maritz expects desktop computing will give way to new operating-system models."
Apples nya operativsystem Mac OS 10.5 Leopard är det bästa som finns på marknaden. Det skriver, något oväntat, PC Magazine i sitt senaste nummer. rapporterar Ny Tekniks nätupplaga.Apple har fått oväntat stöd - från pc-världen. Tidningen PC Magazine har i sitt senaste nummer testat bolagets nya operativsystem 'Leopard' och konstaterar att Apple slår alla andra programvaruutvecklare på fingrarna.
Leopard beskrivs bland annat som 'det bästa som någonsin skrivits för de allra flesta vanliga användare', rapporterar Ny Teknik.
Operativsystemet anses häpnadsväckande snabbt, snyggt och lättanvänt. Dessutom finns många inbyggda program och en enkel och automatisk backup-funktion. E-postprogrammet som medföljer är också mer flexibelt än de windowsbaserade motsvarigheterna.
En av få nackdelar med operativsystemet är enligt PC Magazine att det kan vara vissa problem att ansluta till windowsmaskiner i nätverk."
"EST: 'Fantastisk platt-tv är den ultimata lcd:n?'
Platt-tv:n från tyska Loewe har en stram och stilren design.
Tidningen M3 tycks ha hittat en ny tv-favorit. Loewes nya Connect-modell kostar visserligen en halv förmögenhet men så får du också 'coola funktioner, grym bild och snygg design'.
Det är en fantastisk tv som har en rad nya och balla finesser, menar M3, som frågar sig om detta är 'den ultimata lcd:n'.
Prislappen på 34.999 kronor kanske avskräcker en hel del köpare men den som trots allt halar fram korten lär inte bli besviken, om man får tro testpanelen.
Platt-tv:n har en skärm på 37 tum och kostar således närmare 1.000 kronor per tum. Men så innehåller den också finesser som full mottagare för alla behov (även hdtv), inbyggd hårddisk på 16"
Platt-tv:n har en skärm på 37 tum och kostar således närmare 1.000 kronor per tum. Men så innehåller den också finesser som full mottagare för alla behov (även hdtv), inbyggd hårddisk på 160 Gb samt wlan. Strömförbrukningen ligger på max 120 W medan den i standby-läge drar 1,2 W.
Loewes Connect 37 är inte speciellt tunn, skriver M3, och visst har både LG och Samsung modeller med vassare bild, svärta och kontrast.
"Loewes Connect 37 är dock den rätta platt-tv:n för dig som är beredd att betala för snygg design och smarta funktioner, och både bild och ljud håller överlag sedvanligt hög klass", skriver M3.
Vatten över alla breddar i Göteborgs centrum
Omkullblåsta bussar, fiskehamnen under vatten och avstängda vägar. Ovädret slog till mot Göteborg och Västsverige med full kraft igår kväll.
"Den hårda blåsten, som i byarna mätte upp till 36 sekundmeter, orsakade stora problem. Gränsen för orkan går vid 32 sekundmeter. I centrala Göteborg gjorde den västliga vinden att havsytan steg och då även kanalerna, som på många ställen svämmade över. På Södra hamngatan fick gatukontoret och fastighetsägarna lägga ut sandsäckar för att hindra vattnet från att rinna in i fastigheterna. Också vid Svingeln och Rosenlund steg vattnet upp över kajen. Parkerade bilar stod plötsligt i meterhögt vatten, kajen vid fiskehamnen sköljdes över och en container kom flytande på älven."2008-02-22
"As expected, and despite insufficient research, the FDA officially deemed food from cloned animals and their offspring safe for consumption. And not surprisingly, given their track record as the biggest supporters of agribusiness and corporate America such as the powerful meat and dairy industries, labeling of cloned food is not required. What that means is that you will be buying milk or eating a steak from cloned animals or, most likely, their offspring -- but won't have any way to know. Let's get this straight, conventional food is not only laden with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) but now also franken-clones. What's one to do? Naturally, stay informed and buy only organic."
The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter - Archive 1-10
The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter is written by Charles Kessler who has been involved in online marketing since 1994. You can find additional information about our company by clicking here.
Also, you can read about our 15 minutes of fame in an article on the Microsoft small business site.
We also specialize search engine optimization services and assisting authors and self publishers in marketing their books online.
If you would like a more "up close and personal" view, click here.
Charles Kessler
5767 Uplander Way
Suite 203
Culver City, CA 90230
The New Medicine |
Since the 1960’s, Americans have become increasingly familiar with the terms alternative medicine and complementary medicine, and have applied them to healing methods such as massage, acupuncture, and nutrition therapy. However, mounting scientific evidence on the safety and efficacy of such treatments has led to the creation of a new term: integrative medicine, or IM.
IM combines mainstream medical therapies with non-conventional complementary therapies. However, IM only uses complementary therapies for which there is some high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness. In short, IM utilizes all appropriate, evidence-based therapies to achieve health.
This common sense but scientifically rooted concept is catching on with the American public, who now partner with their family physicians to include evidence-based, non-conventional treatments in their healthcare regimes. Practice of IM has become so credible that the American Hospital Association states that more than 16% of hospitals, including leading medical facilities at Harvard, Mayo, and Duke, feature IM centers as part of their institutions. Among hospitals not currently offering IM, 24% stated that they planned to do so in the future.
Press Release
(Embargoed until Sunday 10am 17 Feb 2008)
Green and Gold Energy to invest AU$250m, building a 1,000 MW SunCube™
manufacturing plant, building 60 MWs of SunCube™ Energy Farms and
providing 1,000 ‘sustainable Green Jobs’
Leading solar energy inventor and CEO of Green & Gold Energy Pty Ltd (GGE), Mr Greg Watson today
announced GGE’s intent to build a 1,000 MW SunCube™ manufacturing plant in Adelaide that would provide
over 1000 new sustainable green jobs and mark the beginning of what could be a green energy
manufacturing revolution in this state.
After many years of research and development, GGE has achieved a world breakthrough with its high
efficiency, smart 2 axis tracking SunCube™ CPV technology, which Mr Watson says is well ahead of its
competitors in supplying cost effective renewable energy to Australia’s electricity grid.
The SunCube™ is being launched at 10am today to the world market during the Green City Festival, which
is being held at Elder Park, Adelaide (Sunday 17 Feb 2008 10am to 5pm). The general public is invited to
visit and see the future of electricity generation.
Mr Watson says GGE has contracts with commercial partners in South Korea, Spain, India, Israel, USA, and
Australia to supply approximately 400 MW’s of SunCubes™ per year with-in 3 years.
Significantly, GGE has also placed a US$78m purchase order with Emcore Corporation of the US to supply
215 MWs / 6.2 million of their world-leading 38% efficient triple junction cell receiver assemblies.
"It never fails; you want to upgrade your aging PC, but you still need that archaic RS-232C serial port for controlling your Parallax Boe-Bot, using that serial mouse, getting online via your trusted Hayes ACCURA V.90 modem, and, even, programming your Pfaff 2140 sewing machine. Apple Boot Camp enlistees can run into a similar RS-232C port quagmire using an older Windows app on a MacBook Air. Now, a new USB to RS-232C converter plug from SparkFun Electronics might be your upgrade answer. Able to support both Windows and Mac platforms, this $12.95 plug can give any modern PC a flashback to the ports of the past. According to a helpful tip posted on the SparkFun Electronics Web site, you might have to modify this converter jack by removing two hex nuts from the DB-9 connector. But, hey, that beats staying mired in antiquated pre-2001 technology just for the sake of a nine-pin serial port."
Pentagon plans to shoot down disabled spy satellite - space - 14 February 2008 - New Scientist Space
"The Pentagon plans to shoot down a disabled US spy satellite before it enters the atmosphere in the next few weeks, officials said on Thursday. They say the move is necessary to prevent a potentially deadly leak of toxic gas from the vehicle's fuel tank.
President George W Bush opted for a plan to have the Navy shoot the 2270 kg minivan-size satellite with a modified tactical missile, after security advisers suggested its re-entry could lead to a loss of life.
US officials said they were not trying to protect classified information on the satellite or to demonstrate their capabilities to China, which downed one of its own satellites with a missile in 2007, drawing criticism from Washington.
But some experts disagreed and questioned the risks associated with shooting down the satellite.
Two defense officials also cited disagreement within the administration over the action and said the decision appears to have been strongly influenced by the White House.
Military officials hope to strike the satellite just before it reaches the atmosphere, which it is expected to do in late February or early March. They want to send it plunging into ocean waters."
Brain blanket boosts mind control - tech - 15 February 2008 - New Scientist Tech
"With a sheet of electrodes placed over the brain, people can quickly learn to move a cursor around a computer screen using their thoughts. Early trials suggest that this new procedure could overtake more established brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).
The two established techniques involve inserting electrodes into the brain or attaching them onto the scalp. These approaches have let people control robotic limbs, steer wheelchairs, type messages and walk in virtual worlds using thought alone.
BCIs will one day transform the lives of people with disabilities and neurological disorders affecting their ability to move or communicate, says neuroscientist Gerwin Schalk at the Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, US."
Apple Computer - Live Mac Pro Unboxing ~ Chris Pirillo:
"Yes, finally my Mac Pro is here! I know, watching me cut open a box isn’t very exciting to you. However, it was quite exciting to me!
The first thing I pulled out of the box is the wireless keyboard I ordered. I can’t get over how tiny and thin it is! I also have the wireless Mighty Mouse. Some people don’t really like it, but I do. I’m not sure if I’ll use it as my primary mouse. I’m still a Microsoft Mouse kind of guy. Ohhhh. Apple sent me the batteries for the mouse and keyboard. It figures that I received my Mac Pro with OS X Version 10.5.1 on the same day that 10.5.2 was released. Isn’t that just the luck? Yes… I just sniffed the styrofoam that covered up the Mac. What do you expect? I’ve waited for this day for a LONG time."
America's Green Policy Vacuum:
"Without a fully funded, federal alternative energy policy, the U.S. risks squandering the potential of a powerful economic engine and will continue to depend on foreign energy resources
In 2006, companies in renewable energy and energy efficiency industries accounted for 8.5 million jobs and generated $970 billion in revenues.
It's been a year since Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth packed theaters and won an Oscar. And a good year it has been for the green movement. Venture capital firms poured a record $2.6 billion into clean tech startups in the first three quarters of 2007. Meanwhile, the green buzz has only grown louder. This year, green building construction starts are projected to reach $12 bil"
Smarter Ways to Make Currency Plays
"Currencies? Aren't they just for the big-money, no-fear types like George Soros—or the institutional players with powerful computer models at their disposal?
Not exactly. While in the past, investments linked to movements in the currencies of the world's leading economies have been viewed as too risky or too complicated for smaller investors, fund companies are starting to offer exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and other vehicles that make currency plays available to the little guy at affordable prices."
Obama vs. Clinton: Leadership Styles
"The virtual dead heat in the Super Tuesday Democratic primary is being attributed by the punditocracy to the absence of any significant policy differences separating candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The two nonetheless have drawn clear distinctions between the ways in which they each propose to govern the nation, and those differences sound a lot like a rehashing of past debates about opposing styles of corporate leadership.
Senator Clinton (D-N.Y.) argues that the role of the President is not only to provide visionary leadership outward from the Oval Office to the nation and the world but also to control and direct the federal bureaucracy downward to ensure that policies are carried out faithfully and effectively.
In sharp contrast, Senator Obama (D-Ill.) declares he will do the chief executive's job by focusing completely on providing leadership vision, judgment, and inspiration. As for controlling the agencies that would report to him, he says he will delegate that responsibility. He pledges to stay above the managerial fray and, instead, hold agency heads fully accountable for the performance of the bureaucracies in their charge."
Al Qaeda Also Fed Up With Ground Zero Construction Delays - Joost
"With the reconstruction of Ground Zero finally underway, anchor Brandon Armstrong invites two guests to discuss the progress."
Hands-on with Modu | GSMA (3GSM) Mobile World Congress - CNET Reviews
"The diminutive Modu phone.
Modu has generated a lot of buzz for itself at the GSMA World Congress. The Israeli company has developed a concept for a modular cell phone that can be placed into 'jackets' that change the both the appearance and the functionality of the handset. I got the chance to check out the Modu phone today, and I admit it's an intriguing concept that could prove to be successful if it evolves as Modu promises."
World Future Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The World Future Council (WFC) is an international, non-governmental organisation, whose goal is to work for a sustainable future in the fields of environment, peace, governance, human development and human rights issues.
The World Future Council was founded by the Swedish writer and activist Jakob von Uexkull in reaction to politics across the world being dominated by short-term, economic thinking. The idea for a global council was first aired on German radio in 1998. It hit a chord, with German TV immediately expressing an interest in broadcasting the Council’s sessions. In October 2004 the organisation was officially launched in London with funding from private donors in Germany, Switzerland, USA and the UK.
The Council works closely with international networks of around 25,000 parliamentarians and 8,000 civil society organizations to identify and disseminate long-term solutions to the global issues of the day.
Climate campaign
Climate change is the overarching topic which is being addressed at present. The mission of the WFC is to clearly define climate stabilization as fundamental necessity and human responsibility for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world for future generations. Initially WFC activities will be focus on transforming global energy systems:[1]
- We need a transition to clean, secure, renewable and decentralized energy for all, while reducing the total global demand for energy. Our materials promote existing political solutions that have significant impacts on all these aspects and we seek to build strategic networks between those seeking to act towards this energy renaissance.[1]
Further topics that will be taken up in the climate campaign are: sustainable cities, sustainable food systems, the conservation of rain forest and the establishment of an International Renewable Energy Agency.[1]
AlterNet: Three Reasons to Hate Facebook
I know it's uncharitable of me to say I hate Facebook.com, because, after all, I have a Facebook profile and I log in to the infernal site several times a week. But I do hate it, and I'm not afraid to say why.
1. I don't want you to know who my friends are. Facebook is a second-generation social network, which means its developers have learned from the mistakes of early social networks like Friendster and MySpace. Like its predecessors, Facebook will give you a free profile page, where you can list as much information about yourself as you are willing to give up -- including what you've just bought online. As you make "friends," you link to their profiles and they link to yours.
Like its predecessors, Facebook is all about showing people who your friends are. And frankly, there are plenty of people I might want to connect with online who don't need to know about one another. It's not like I've got anything to hide, but even if I did, so the fuck what? Sometimes there are perfectly good reasons not to introduce all of my friends to one another.
I realize there are privacy restrictions on Facebook that allow me to hide my friend lists or make them only semivisible to people in networks, blah blah blah. But those are a pain in the ass to set up, and so, like most people on Facebook, I default to letting my friends see one another. I don't have to go around parties in real life advertising whom else at the party I know or have slept with. Why should I have to do so if I want to socialize online?
2. Too many annoying, inexplicable, and useless software applications are circulating on Facebook. Every time I log in to Facebook, I see in the upper right-hand corner of the screen all the "requests" and "pokes" and whatever the fucks I have from my social network. Many of these requests are generated by small software applications that people have written to run on top of Facebook. See, Facebook opened up parts of its system called application programming interfaces, or APIs, which allow anyone to write some dumb program that will send you crap.
Recently a number of those programs had allowed people in my social network to go through their friend lists and send automatically generated requests to join groups, take quizzes, or whatever. Here is the insane list I had in my requests bar: "1 gay request, 1 american citizen test request, 1 good karma request, 1 smartest friend invitation." And there have been so many others, like "hottest friends invitation," "zombie invitation," "vampire bite request," and "compare movie scores invitation." Yes, it sounds fun and whimsical at first, as if social relations have been turned into a fanciful playground. But then you get a spam feeling.
Usually, responding to requests requires you to sign up for something and give some information about yourself and download another piece of software. And why the hell do I want to answer a gay request from a zombie? I mean, that sounds good until you have to download unknown software from an unknown gay zombie. The fun turns out to be just noise. And there's nothing worse than noise in your personal profile space.
3. Facebook enforces social conformity. Some people are only figuratively forced to join Facebook, because if they don't it will be hard for them to network with friends and business associates. But I was actually forced to join by my employers, because we use Facebook as our employee contact list. OK, nobody pointed a gun at my head, but it was either join or be unable to access the contact information of anybody at my company. I'm not saying my company is evil or even wrong -- Facebook is a reasonable way of setting up an employee contact list for a company full of telecommuters.
It's just that being forced made me feel more than ever that Facebook is a tool of social conformity. The more public our friend lists are, the more we'll feel like we have to pick friends based on public opinion.
"Obamanomics: Barack Talks Tough on Trade"
When I talked with Russ Feingold last week about what the Democratic candidates for president should do to win Tuesday's Wisconsin primary, he suggested that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should go to the senator's hometown of Janesville and talk about trade.
Obama got the hint.
On Wednesday, the first full day of a Wisconsin primary campaign that he hopes will solidify his emerging lead over his once "inevitable" rival, the Illinois senator started in Janesville, where he delivered a rebuke to free-trade policies of the Bill Clinton and George Bush eras that sounded a little like a speech Feingold might have delivered.
"We are not standing on the brink of recession due to forces beyond our control. The fallout from the housing crisis that's cost jobs and wiped out savings was not an inevitable part of the business cycle. It was a failure of leadership and imagination in Washington -- the culmination of decades of decisions that were made or put off without regard to the realities of a global economy and the growing inequality it's produced," Obama told workers at the General Motors Assembly Plant in the southern Wisconsin city.
AlterNet: Water: Maude Barlow: The Growing Battle for the Right to Water
"From Chile to the Philippines to South Africa to her home country of Canada, Maude Barlow is one of a few people who truly understands the scope of the world's water woes. Her newest book, Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water, details her discoveries around the globe about our diminishing water resources, the increasing privatization trend and the grassroots groups that are fighting back against corporate theft, government mismanagement and a changing climate.
If you want to know where the water is running low (including 36 U.S. states), why we haven't been able to protect it and what we can do to ensure everyone has the right to water, Barlow's book is an essential read. It is part science, part policy and part impassioned call. And the information in Blue Covenant couldn't come from a more reliable source. Barlow is the national chairperson of the Council of Canadians and co-founder of the Blue Planet Project, which is instrumental in the international community in working for the right to water for all people. She also authored Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop Corporate Theft of the World's Water with Tony Clarke. And she's the recipient of the Right Livelihood Award (known as the 'Alternative Nobel') for her global water justice work."
Al Jazeera English - News - Hezbollah Declares 'War' On Israel
"The leader of Hezbollah has said that his Lebanese Shia movement is ready for 'open war' with Israel, in a speech to supporters mourning the death of a senior commander.
Israel immediately ordered its military and embassies to go on high alert.
Accusing Israel of killing Imad Moghaniyah in a car bomb blast on Tuesday in Damascus, the Syrian capital, Hassan Nasrallah said that it had 'crossed the borders'.
'With this murder, its timing, location and method - Zionists [Israel] if you want this kind of open war, let the whole world listen: let this war be open,' he said."
Al Jazeera English - News - Putin Aims To Wield Power As Pm
"Vladimir Putin has confirmed his intention to wield significant power as Russia's prime minister after next month's presidential election.
In his final annual news conference as president on Thursday, he also warned Russian missiles could be pointed at Ukraine should it join Nato and attacked Western support for Kosovo independence as 'immoral'."
Henri Salvador; Singing Blues To Bossa Nova - washingtonpost.com
"Henri Salvador, 90, one of France's most enduring and multi-talented entertainers, whose musical range spanned pre-war chansons and whispery bossa nova to children's favorites and 'Le blues du dentiste,' his gimmicky 1950s tune that helped introduce the nation to rock-and-roll, died Feb. 13 at his home in Paris of an aneurysm.
During a 70-year career, Mr. Salvador attained popularity as a musician, singer, songwriter, dancer, pantomime artist and television personality."
See some of his creations at YouTube and DailyMotion
Exclusif: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: "Je ferai de mon mieux" - L'Express
"Dans une interview à Rue89, Michel Labro, directeur de la rédaction du Nouvel Observateur, répond ce mardi soir aux accusations de Carla Bruni, formulée ci-dessous, à l'encontre du site Internet de son journal, où elle compare ses méthodes - en l'occurrence un article relatant l'envoi d'un présumé SMS par Nicolas Sarkozy à son ex-épouse Cécilia par lequel il lui aurait demandé de revenir - à celles des journaux de la collaboration. 'On ne joue pas avec ce genre d'affirmation, prévient Michel Labro, qui juge l'interprétation de la nouvelle première dame de France 'parfaitement hallucinante, assez incroyable et pathétique', bref 'parfaitement imbécile'."
"The first and most notable device in Sony Ericsson's lineup is the Xperia X1, a Windows Mobile smartphone with a touch screen overlay and a full QWERTY keyboard. The phone comes with 3G technology called HSDPA and Wi-Fi for a high-speed mobile experience. It also has built-in GPS for personal navigation."
Zurich art museum robbed of a Cézanne, a Degas, a Van Gogh and a Monet - International Herald Tribune
"While one held a pistol and ordered visitors and staff members to lie on the floor in the main room of the museum, the two other men removed the four paintings from the wall: Claude Monet's 'Poppy Field at Vétheuil,' Edgar Degas's 'Ludovic Lepic and his daughter,' Vincent van Gogh's 'Blooming Chestnut Branches' and Paul Cézanne's 'Boy in the Red Waistcoat.'"
"Rangers did not say there were any obvious comparisons between Mr Annan and the horned beast, but some have suggested he will need a thick skin to push forward difficult negotiations between Mr Kibaki and Mr Odinga.
'Thick-skinned Kofi Annan is likely to spend years in the wild,' the United Nations said in a statement."
"Over the weekend we relaunched Crunchbase, our online database of startup, investor and entrepreneur information. We first launched the site last year as a simple place to dump all the structured data about startups that we get our hands on. Our interns work to add all the data that flows into our inboxes every day to keep it updated, and the site now tracks 1,515 companies, 4,499 people and 762 financial investors."
Organic Solar Cells: Electricity From A Thin Film
Teams of researchers all over the world are working on the development of organic solar cells. Organic solar cells have good prospects for the future: ... > full story"
UN chief decries 'brutal and unspeakable attack' on East Timor president - International Herald Tribune
"UNITED NATIONS: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday decried the 'brutal and unspeakable attack' on East Timor's critically injured President Jose Ramos-Horta and offered prayer for the Nobel Peace Prize winner's speedy recovery from gunshot wounds."
Analysis: Obama has advantage in weeks ahead - CNN.com
"NEW YORK (CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama's dominant coast-to-coast performance this weekend set a new tone for the post-Super Tuesday phase of an unprecedented struggle for the Democratic presidential nomination."
AFP: Societe Generale launches 5.5 billion-euro capital increase
PARIS (AFP) — Societe Generale on Monday launched a 5.5-billion-euro capital increase -- offering shares at a massive discount -- to cover losses it blames on rogue trader Jerome Kerviel who is to fight his detention in jail.
The French financial giant, which estimates Kerviel's unauthorised trades cost it 4.9 billion euros (7.1 billion dollars) also needs the money to cover growing losses on the US sub-prime meltdown.
In announcing the capital increase, Societe Generale also raised its estimated subprime losses from two billion euros to 2.6 billion euros (3.75 billion dollars).
Shares would be on sale from February 21 to 29 at 47.50 euros per share, nearly 40 percent below their current level, it said. Societe Generale shares fell 2.29 percent to 75.94 euros in opening trade on the Paris stock exchange.