
DAGENS PS.SE - TEST: "Fantastisk platt-tv är den ultimata lcd:n?":
"EST: 'Fantastisk platt-tv är den ultimata lcd:n?'

Platt-tv:n från tyska Loewe har en stram och stilren design.
Tidningen M3 tycks ha hittat en ny tv-favorit. Loewes nya Connect-modell kostar visserligen en halv förmögenhet men så får du också 'coola funktioner, grym bild och snygg design'.
Det är en fantastisk tv som har en rad nya och balla finesser, menar M3, som frågar sig om detta är 'den ultimata lcd:n'.

Prislappen på 34.999 kronor kanske avskräcker en hel del köpare men den som trots allt halar fram korten lär inte bli besviken, om man får tro testpanelen.

Platt-tv:n har en skärm på 37 tum och kostar således närmare 1.000 kronor per tum. Men så innehåller den också finesser som full mottagare för alla behov (även hdtv), inbyggd hårddisk på 16"
Platt-tv:n har en skärm på 37 tum och kostar således närmare 1.000 kronor per tum. Men så innehåller den också finesser som full mottagare för alla behov (även hdtv), inbyggd hårddisk på 160 Gb samt wlan. Strömförbrukningen ligger på max 120 W medan den i standby-läge drar 1,2 W.

Loewes Connect 37 är inte speciellt tunn, skriver M3, och visst har både LG och Samsung modeller med vassare bild, svärta och kontrast.

"Loewes Connect 37 är dock den rätta platt-tv:n för dig som är beredd att betala för snygg design och smarta funktioner, och både bild och ljud håller överlag sedvanligt hög klass", skriver M3.
Platt-tv:n från tyska Loewe har en stram och stilren design.
Prince - Purple Rain
Göteborgs-Posten - Göteborg - Vatten över alla breddar i Göteborgs centrum:

Vatten över alla breddar i Göteborgs centrum

Omkullblåsta bussar, fiskehamnen under vatten och avstängda vägar. Ovädret slog till mot Göteborg och Västsverige med full kraft igår kväll.

"Den hårda blåsten, som i byarna mätte upp till 36 sekundmeter, orsakade stora problem. Gränsen för orkan går vid 32 sekundmeter. I centrala Göteborg gjorde den västliga vinden att havsytan steg och då även kanalerna, som på många ställen svämmade över. På Södra hamngatan fick gatukontoret och fastighetsägarna lägga ut sandsäckar för att hindra vattnet från att rinna in i fastigheterna. Också vid Svingeln och Rosenlund steg vattnet upp över kajen. Parkerade bilar stod plötsligt i meterhögt vatten, kajen vid fiskehamnen sköljdes över och en container kom flytande på älven."



Vegetarian Organic Blog:
"As expected, and despite insufficient research, the FDA officially deemed food from cloned animals and their offspring safe for consumption. And not surprisingly, given their track record as the biggest supporters of agribusiness and corporate America such as the powerful meat and dairy industries, labeling of cloned food is not required. What that means is that you will be buying milk or eating a steak from cloned animals or, most likely, their offspring -- but won't have any way to know. Let's get this straight, conventional food is not only laden with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) but now also franken-clones. What's one to do? Naturally, stay informed and buy only organic."

The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter - Archive 1-10

The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter - Archive 1-10

The Cool Tricks and Trinkets Newsletter is written by Charles Kessler who has been involved in online marketing since 1994. You can find additional information about our company by clicking here.

Also, you can read about our 15 minutes of fame in an article on the Microsoft small business site.

We also specialize search engine optimization services and assisting authors and self publishers in marketing their books online.

If you would like a more "up close and personal" view, click here.

Charles Kessler
5767 Uplander Way
Suite 203
Culver City, CA 90230


The New Medicine |

The New Medicine |

Since the 1960’s, Americans have become increasingly familiar with the terms alternative medicine and complementary medicine, and have applied them to healing methods such as massage, acupuncture, and nutrition therapy. However, mounting scientific evidence on the safety and efficacy of such treatments has led to the creation of a new term: integrative medicine, or IM.

IM combines mainstream medical therapies with non-conventional complementary therapies. However, IM only uses complementary therapies for which there is some high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness. In short, IM utilizes all appropriate, evidence-based therapies to achieve health.

This common sense but scientifically rooted concept is catching on with the American public, who now partner with their family physicians to include evidence-based, non-conventional treatments in their healthcare regimes. Practice of IM has become so credible that the American Hospital Association states that more than 16% of hospitals, including leading medical facilities at Harvard, Mayo, and Duke, feature IM centers as part of their institutions. Among hospitals not currently offering IM, 24% stated that they planned to do so in the future.

YouTube - SunCube on channel 7 TodayTonight
Press Release
(Embargoed until Sunday 10am 17 Feb 2008)

Green and Gold Energy to invest AU$250m, building a 1,000 MW SunCube™
manufacturing plant, building 60 MWs of SunCube™ Energy Farms and
providing 1,000 ‘sustainable Green Jobs’

Leading solar energy inventor and CEO of Green & Gold Energy Pty Ltd (GGE), Mr Greg Watson today
announced GGE’s intent to build a 1,000 MW SunCube™ manufacturing plant in Adelaide that would provide
over 1000 new sustainable green jobs and mark the beginning of what could be a green energy
manufacturing revolution in this state.

After many years of research and development, GGE has achieved a world breakthrough with its high
efficiency, smart 2 axis tracking SunCube™ CPV technology, which Mr Watson says is well ahead of its
competitors in supplying cost effective renewable energy to Australia’s electricity grid.

The SunCube™ is being launched at 10am today to the world market during the Green City Festival, which
is being held at Elder Park, Adelaide (Sunday 17 Feb 2008 10am to 5pm). The general public is invited to
visit and see the future of electricity generation.

Mr Watson says GGE has contracts with commercial partners in South Korea, Spain, India, Israel, USA, and
Australia to supply approximately 400 MW’s of SunCubes™ per year with-in 3 years.

Significantly, GGE has also placed a US$78m purchase order with Emcore Corporation of the US to supply
215 MWs / 6.2 million of their world-leading 38% efficient triple junction cell receiver assemblies.


Serial Ports For All | Popular Science:
"It never fails; you want to upgrade your aging PC, but you still need that archaic RS-232C serial port for controlling your Parallax Boe-Bot, using that serial mouse, getting online via your trusted Hayes ACCURA V.90 modem, and, even, programming your Pfaff 2140 sewing machine. Apple Boot Camp enlistees can run into a similar RS-232C port quagmire using an older Windows app on a MacBook Air. Now, a new USB to RS-232C converter plug from SparkFun Electronics might be your upgrade answer. Able to support both Windows and Mac platforms, this $12.95 plug can give any modern PC a flashback to the ports of the past. According to a helpful tip posted on the SparkFun Electronics Web site, you might have to modify this converter jack by removing two hex nuts from the DB-9 connector. But, hey, that beats staying mired in antiquated pre-2001 technology just for the sake of a nine-pin serial port."

Pentagon plans to shoot down disabled spy satellite - space - 14 February 2008 - New Scientist Space

Pentagon plans to shoot down disabled spy satellite - space - 14 February 2008 - New Scientist Space:
"The Pentagon plans to shoot down a disabled US spy satellite before it enters the atmosphere in the next few weeks, officials said on Thursday. They say the move is necessary to prevent a potentially deadly leak of toxic gas from the vehicle's fuel tank.

President George W Bush opted for a plan to have the Navy shoot the 2270 kg minivan-size satellite with a modified tactical missile, after security advisers suggested its re-entry could lead to a loss of life.

US officials said they were not trying to protect classified information on the satellite or to demonstrate their capabilities to China, which downed one of its own satellites with a missile in 2007, drawing criticism from Washington.

But some experts disagreed and questioned the risks associated with shooting down the satellite.

Two defense officials also cited disagreement within the administration over the action and said the decision appears to have been strongly influenced by the White House.

Military officials hope to strike the satellite just before it reaches the atmosphere, which it is expected to do in late February or early March. They want to send it plunging into ocean waters."

Brain blanket boosts mind control - tech - 15 February 2008 - New Scientist Tech

Brain blanket boosts mind control - tech - 15 February 2008 - New Scientist Tech:
"With a sheet of electrodes placed over the brain, people can quickly learn to move a cursor around a computer screen using their thoughts. Early trials suggest that this new procedure could overtake more established brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).

The two established techniques involve inserting electrodes into the brain or attaching them onto the scalp. These approaches have let people control robotic limbs, steer wheelchairs, type messages and walk in virtual worlds using thought alone.

BCIs will one day transform the lives of people with disabilities and neurological disorders affecting their ability to move or communicate, says neuroscientist Gerwin Schalk at the Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, US."